Mrs Newton and Mr Endersby
Mrs Hancock and Mrs Greensmith
Welcome to Year 6!
We hope that you all had a lovely summer break and you're looking forward to a brilliant year of learning, opportunities and fun!
Please use this page to find curriculum information, homework and photo galleries.
Using feedback from staff, pupils and parents, this year, the school has reviewed and devised a new homework rationale and timetable. Please see below Year 6's homework timetable. This will be set every Monday and spelling words and patterns will be practiced in a spelling dictation the following Monday.
Making homework work for our school community and Year 6
All homework focuses on core skills and previous learning so it is a tool to reinforce learning and not learn new skills. We won't be setting any homework in the holidays and have ensured that we provide a balance of tasks both on and offline. We expect homework to be completed weekly and we will provide verbal faeedback in class. We will share ideas and strategies for practising spellings and times tables during our curriculum information evening.
Reading | Spelling | Maths |
10 minutes reading per day, including reading to an adult and being read to by an adult. | 10 minutes of spelling practise twice per week. | 10 minutes of maths workbook twice per week. 10 minutes practice of all times tables once per week. |
Maths - 13.01.25
Please complete pages 60-63 in your White Rose homework books. This is the first lesson on decimals.
Optional Inspirational Tasks
As part of the survey process of pupils and parents, some members of the school community expressed how they enjoyed opportunities to extend the children’s learning from the classroom in other curriculum areas. As part of the process of streamlining and creating consistency in our approach to homework, the school did not want to lose opportunities to inspire further learning in pupils who wished to undertake it. Therefore, each year group will publish two optional tasks related to their current learning in history, geography or science each term. However, there is no expectation for this to be completed, unlike the weekly homework tasks. If children do complete the tasks, they can bring the task in to show me.
Curriculum Overview
Passport of Possibilities