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Stocks GreenPrimary School

PE and Sport Premium

What is the Sports Premium?

The government provides funding of £150 million per annum and this has been in place since 2013. The funding was provided by the Department for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport.


Our allocation for 2024/25 is £17,880.



Purpose of the funding

The purpose of this funding is to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sports that Stocks Green offers. 


We have used the funding for:

Sainsbury's School Games

The Sainsbury's School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across bronze, silver, gold and platinum levels of the Mark.


We are proud to have been awarded the Sainsbury's School Games GOLD Mark again this year! This award reflects many things to do with our PE provision in school, including:

  • The quantity of high-quality PE lessons our children receive each week;
  • The amount of children participating in extra-curricular sporting activity each week;
  • The support we provide for our talented young sports people and less active children;
  • The number of competitive events we take part in each year.


Not only is receiving the Gold award a true reflection of the quality and opportunities Stocks Green provides for all children, but also a credit to the children for their engagement, talent and improvement across sports in school! Well done to everyone!
