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School Name

Stocks GreenPrimary School

Timings of the School Day


The School Day 

Total hours for week : 32.50


 8:40 am   to   8:45 am

1st Session                                        

 9:00 am   to 10:30 am

Mid-morning Break          

10:30 am  to 10:45 am


2nd Session                           

11:00 am   to 12:15 pm

Lunch Break                       Staggered start to lunch

12:00  to 12:15 pm

  Lunch break

12:15  to 1:15 pm 

3rd Session                        

 1:15 pm to  3.15 pm


Children in Key Stage 1 have an additional break that lasts for 10 minutes during the afternoon, taken at an appropriate time during the afternoon session.


Beyond the School Day


Early Morning Club

The school runs its own early morning club.  This starts at 7:45 am and is run by members of the school team.  Children are engaged in a variety of fun activities.  Please note that there is no breakfast or food provided at this club.  The cost to attend is £3.50 per session.

After School Club

An external provider (Rainbows) offers an after-school club onsite. The sessions run from 3:15pm to 6:00 pm.  The club runs on weekdays during term time and currently costs £12 per session.  Rainbows provide a light snack for children after school, such as a croissant, flapjack, cheese and a piece of fruit.


Extra Curricula Clubs

An example of the clubs frequently on offer at the school can be seen on the 'Clubs' page.

