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Stocks GreenPrimary School

Governor Profiles

Peter Hipkiss


I have been Headteacher at Stocks Green since September 2022 and in this time have had the pleasure of working with a proactive and supportive Governing body. 

As Headteacher, I sit on all 3 committees of the Governing Body, giving me a holistic view of all the work they do for the school.


Rob Chewter

Chair of Governors

I am married and have lived in Hildenborough for 35 years and am lucky that my daughter, son and five grandchildren live here also. I retired three years ago after a long and varied career which covered engineering, sales and all levels of management. My final position was running a very successful international communications company that employed over 100 people based in Redhill. My hobbies are golf and gardening and my wife and I are members of the National Trust and RHS. I now don't know how I found time for paid employment. The Governing Board is made up of a very committed group of people with a wide range of skills focused on supporting the Teachers and Staff in delivering an outstanding education to our pupils in a safe, happy, and rewarding environment and I am proud to be part of that Team. Also just a reminder that parent feedback is important to the Governing Board, so please feel free to raise any issues or concerns you have.

Co-opted by Governing Body on 27.01.20


June Cooke
Vice Chair of Governors

I was co-opted by the Governing body of Stocks Green Primary school in March 2016 and hold the position of  Local Authority Governor.  I also lead the Standards and Curriculum committee which meets six times a year. 


As a retired Primary Headteacher, I have continued to maintain my passion and interest in education and believe that children are our most valuable asset. As gate keepers of the future they deserve the best education and opportunities that we are able to provide.


I am married and  have lived in Hildenborough for forty years.  I have two grown up children and two grandaughters. I like to spend my time with my family, keeping fit, swimming, cycling, walking and gardening.

LA Governor on 31.05.16


Andrea Woollett 
Co-opted Governor

I worked as office administrator at Stocks Green school from 1991 to 2008 and was clerk to the governors from 2005 to 2024.  This has given me good experience of the school and education system and I was co-opted as a governor in October 2024.  I am delighted to continue to be part of the excellent Governing Body of Stocks Green School and to continue to support the headteacher and staff in delivering the best educational experience possible for the children. 


I have always lived in the Tonbridge area, am married with two sons and six grandchildren.



Diana Ayling

I have lived in Hildenborough for over 40 years. I am married and have 3 grown up children and 6 grandchildren.

I worked at Stocks Green Pre-school for 10 years as the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), so I have a special interest in the Early Years in school, and in the process of identifying and supporting children with Special Educational Needs. As a result, I am the Early Years Governor.


I come into school as often as I can, and it is always a pleasure to see the enthusiasm for learning from the children and the dedication and commitment from all the staff. 

Co-opted by Governing Body on 01.09.19


Ruth Dixon

Hello my name is Ruth Dixon and I have been a governor at Stocks Green Primary School for the last 15  years. I originally lived in Hildenborough for 12 years and my 3 children all attended the school . They are now working and at university but talk fondly of their time at Stocks Green. I am a primary school teacher and school librarian at a local school. I am currently Vice-Chair of the Standards and Curriculum Committee as well as being the Website and Training & Development Governor. I have seen many changes over the past years but with the commitment and dedication of all the staff, parents and governors we continue to make sure that our children have an outstanding education and that Stocks Green remains such an integral part of the community. I am proud to be part of such a team.

Co-opted by Governing Body on 01.09.19


Rebecca Mackay

I have been one of the Parent Governors at Stocks Green since November 2021. As well as being part of the Full Governing Body I am also on the Standards & Curriculum Committee.

Due to my husband’s job in Tonbridge we moved to the area in 2016 and have lived in Hildenborough close to the school since 2019. I held a home-working, specialist travel adviser role until the birth of my son and was previously a consumer products analyst. We have two children, one who attends Stocks Green. I regularly attend training courses to assist in my Governor role and to develop a greater understanding of the primary education system here in Kent, and the support available to parents. 

Elected Parent Governor on 12.11.21


William Moore

I have been one of the Parent Governors at Stocks Green since November 2021. As well as being part of the Full Governing Body I am also on the Finance and Premises Committee.


I grew up in a small village just outside Maidstone and went to a primary school very similar in size to Stocks Green before going to the Boy's Grammar School in Maidstone and then off to University and Law School in London.  I am a Partner in a local Law Firm and my wife and I have lived in Hildenborough since 2016. We have two children that attend Stocks Green so I am sure I will see many of you at school during drop off and pick up times.

Elected Parent Governor on 12.11.21


Bridget Salmon

I am currently a business coach and have previously worked in public relations. I have been co-opted onto the governing board due to my experience in human resources. I have lived in Sevenoaks since 2013 having moved back to the UK after 9 years in Hong Kong. I have three children, two grown up and one still at secondary school.  My children have gone to five different schools between them and I have been on the PTA at two of them so I hope I can use my varied experiences from them to benefit Stocks Green.

Co-opted by Governing Body 26.11.19


Dave Wallace
Co-opted by Governing Body on 01.09.19












