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Stocks GreenPrimary School

School Council

School Council Representatives


School Council representatives are chosen from Years 2 - 6. The process of selection is through a class vote.


Candidates have the opportunity to make a speech stating why they wish to stand for school council and their class members vote for their preferred candidate.


This year, the School Council feeds directs into SLT (Senior Leadership Team) meetings.  So far this year, they have successfully campaigned for ketchup to be added to the lunch menu on Fridays.  They have also collated votes for their classes and chosen local, national and international charities to support this year.  The three chosen charities are Dandelion Time (local), Macmillan Cancer Support (national) and The British Red Cross (international).  The children have also sought views from their peers on what should happen next with the OPAL project and the school is now working on a scooter track as well as a reading area.


Come back soon to find out more about the developments from the School Council.
