Teacher: Mrs Scott
TA: Mrs Greensmith and Mrs Faingold
Class Email: class4@stocks-green.kent.sch.uk
Year 4's homework will be set on Mondays and it will be displayed on the class page every term. The homework will include online and offline work.
All passwords to various websites will be given to the children during the first full week of Term 1.
Year 4's homework will include:
Times Tables
This year the children will learn the remaining times tables: 6x,7x,9x,11x and 12x.
There is a statutory online times tables test for all Year 4 pupils in June, where they will need to show their knowledge of all times tables.
Therefore, I will be setting Times table practice on TT Rockstars each week. I will send a reminder of their log in and passwords home on Monday 9th September. Some weeks may be focused times tables such as recapping Year 3 knowledge; the additional tables from year 4 or all times tables.
They should spend 10 minutes twice a week, practising their tables.
The websites they could look at are:
For spelling homework, the class will need to learn the words for the week. The document below breaks down all the spellings for each week.
In class, we will learn how to break down the words into syllables to help us spell them, and will dictate the words in sentences.
You should spend 10 minutes twice a week on spelling practise.
Optional Inspirational Task:
As part of the survey process of pupils and parents, some members of the school community expressed how they enjoyed opportunities to extend the children’s learning from the classroom in other curriculum areas. As part of the process of streamlining and creating consistency in our approach to homework, the school did not want to lose opportunities to inspire further learning in pupils who wished to undertake it.
Therefore, each year group will publish two optional tasks related to their current learning in history, geography or science each term. However, there is no expectation for this to be completed, unlike the weekly homework tasks. If children do complete the tasks, they can bring the task in to show me.
Term 1
Term 2