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Stocks GreenPrimary School




These will be held:

Thursday 7th November - 13.45-15.00pm

Wednesday 13th November  - 10:30-11.45am


Please email the school office, to book your place. Please include your child's name, date of birth and contact number as well as how many adults will be attending.  We kindly ask at this stage that you do not bring children.




Please contact the school office on 01732 832758  if you wish to discuss admissions or complete an In Year Admissions Form which can be emailed to :



To find out more information about our admissions and appeal arrangements please view the forms and webpages below provided by the local authority.

In Year Admissions form

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.


  • The school admissions policy follows the standard admissions policy for all Kent LEA community schools.  Priority will be given to applicants for places in the following order.
  1. Children in local authority care
  2. Pupils who have siblings currently attending the school at the time of admission (September)
  3. Specific health and special access reasons ( whose healthcare plan or statement indicates a need to attend a particular school)
  4. Pupils who live nearest to the school, according to KCC distance checks.


If a reception place is available, an offer will be made subject to proof of residence at the time of entry for the parents and child. Any residential move which takes place between 18th April and the end of the first school term will be investigated to establish if a short term let has been taken for the purpose of securing a school place outside the families intended residential area. 

  • Parents wishing to enrol their child after the initial admission time in Reception, should complete an In Year Casual Admission Form (IYCAF) that can be found on the KCC website or from any primary school. Parents should complete a separate form for each child and forms should be returned directly to the school they are applying for. Under normal circumstances parents should be informed of the outcome of their application within 5 schools days with a formal offer or refusal letter.  Parents will be offered the option of placing a child on the schools waiting list if a place is not available at the time of application, schools hold their own waiting lists.  If a place is available, an offer of a place will be made subject to proof of residence at the time of entry for the parents and child. If it is accepted, an appointment for an admissions interview with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher will be arranged. 
  • At the admissions interview:
    • Information about the organisation of the school will be given.
    • The school’s policy on homework, attendance and punctuality and bringing items from home will be explained.
    • The parent will be requested to ensure that their pupil has a uniform and a book bag before they start.
    • Procedures for making complaints will be explained.
    • The parent will be asked about their pupil’s needs, interests and aptitudes.
    • The parent and pupil (if attending) will be shown around the school and, if possible, introduced to the pupil’s teacher and class.
  • Pupils will usually be given a starting date  following the admissions interview.  Completed admission, health forms, home school agreement, ethnicity, photographic images, parental code and, for juniors, use of the internet forms, should be handed into the school office, along  with the pupils birth certificate and evidence of residence for checking. Class teachers will be informed by the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or School Office of any new pupils starting in their class.
  • The school’s Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 210.  This means that the school is legally obliged to admit all applicants for places up to 30 pupils in any year group from Reception to Year 6.