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Stocks GreenPrimary School

Term 1 and 2 Curriculum Information

Year One


In Year 1 pupils will find the structure and content of their day a little different from that of the Reception class. To aid transition we will continue with some child-initiated activities in the mornings and afternoons alongside direct teaching.


Pupils will receive daily teaching in Maths and English, with a daily phonics lesson, following our ‘Sounds Write’ programme. All activities will take account of their age and expected concentration span and will involve plenty of physical activity and learning through music, speaking and listening and carefully chosen educational toys and games.

The children will be in be in chosen groups for their learning in the morning, however these groups are very flexible and are there to support the development, progress and learning needs of each child.


Learning in Year 1 progresses from the E.Y.F.S to the New National Curriculum for Key Stage One and, as such, children will learn about Science, Computing, History, Geography, Religious Education, Physical Education, Art & Design, Music, Personal, Social & Health Education Religious Education and Design Technology. Children will be taught in subject specific lessons as well as cross-curricular themes in a manner more appropriate and meaningful for younger children.


The points listed below may help to answer some of the day to day queries about life in Year 1.

Home/school communication:  Home/School Contact books will be checked by one of our Teaching Assistants every morning so you are welcome to continue to use the books to communicate brief messages. If you have a concern or a more detailed query, it is preferable to speak to us after school or at another mutually convenient time.  Please also use our class email for communication. Any urgent messages, such as a change in collection arrangements, please email the school or telephone the school office as we are unable to check our class email during teaching time.


Homework – This will be set throughout the year. We start gradually with a spelling investigation linked to our class phonics/spelling focus for the week and a Maths, Topic or other curriculum related activity. Homework will be sent home on a Monday and be due in the following Monday.

Dictation –our spelling words will be given on the homework each week and then in class on a Monday we will complete ‘dictations’ where the children will be asked to spell 3 of these words. Please do not see this as a spelling test, but just a way for us to ensure and re visit learning from the previous week. Scores will not be taken or sent home.


Handwriting – The children will continue to learn the cursive style of handwriting. We begin by progressing through the alphabet, teaching children the lead-in and lead-out stroke for each letter, which will eventually guide them towards joining their letters fluently and correctly. All children will be introduced to this system but we fully appreciate that some children will need greater support with pencil control and exercises to help them achieve in this area. We will also send handwriting templates home to reinforce this cursive handwriting style.


P.E. – Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit on PE days.  PE lessons will be on Wednesdays.


Clubs-  If you child is attending a club where they will need to change into different clothes, please check that these are brought to school clearly named. Thank you.


Good behaviour – This is encouraged through praise and reward such as through team points, classroom rewards, ‘Golden Time’ on Friday afternoons, stickers,  Teacher certificates which are given out every Friday and Headteacher/Deputy headteacher awards for children that go above and beyond in their academic work and behaviour,


Phonics screening - This statutory assessment takes place in June. You will receive more information nearer the time,


Thank you very much for all your support so far. We very much look forward to working with you and your children this year.


With thanks,

Mrs Adams and Mrs Hemsley

Year One


In Year 1 pupils will find the structure and content of their day a little different from that of the Reception class. To aid transition we will continue with some child-initiated activities in the mornings and afternoons alongside direct teaching.


Pupils will receive daily teaching in Maths and English, with a daily phonics lesson, following our ‘Sounds Write’ programme. All activities will take account of their age and expected concentration span and will involve plenty of physical activity and learning through music, speaking and listening and carefully chosen educational toys and games.

The children will be in be in chosen groups for their learning in the morning, however these groups are very flexible and are there to support the development, progress and learning needs of each child.


Learning in Year 1 progresses from the E.Y.F.S to the New National Curriculum for Key Stage One and, as such, children will learn about Science, Computing, History, Geography, Religious Education, Physical Education, Art & Design, Music, Personal, Social & Health Education Religious Education and Design Technology. Children will be taught in subject specific lessons as well as cross-curricular themes in a manner more appropriate and meaningful for younger children.


The points listed below may help to answer some of the day to day queries about life in Year 1.

Home/school communication:  Home/School Contact books will be checked by one of our Teaching Assistants every morning so you are welcome to continue to use the books to communicate brief messages. If you have a concern or a more detailed query, it is preferable to speak to us after school or at another mutually convenient time.  Please also use our class email for communication. Any urgent messages, such as a change in collection arrangements, please email the school or telephone the school office as we are unable to check our class email during teaching time.


Homework – This will be set throughout the year. We start gradually with a spelling investigation linked to our class phonics/spelling focus for the week and a Maths, Topic or other curriculum related activity. Homework will be sent home on a Monday and be due in the following Monday.

Dictation –our spelling words will be given on the homework each week and then in class on a Monday we will complete ‘dictations’ where the children will be asked to spell 3 of these words. Please do not see this as a spelling test, but just a way for us to ensure and re visit learning from the previous week. Scores will not be taken or sent home.


Handwriting – The children will continue to learn the cursive style of handwriting. We begin by progressing through the alphabet, teaching children the lead-in and lead-out stroke for each letter, which will eventually guide them towards joining their letters fluently and correctly. All children will be introduced to this system but we fully appreciate that some children will need greater support with pencil control and exercises to help them achieve in this area. We will also send handwriting templates home to reinforce this cursive handwriting style.


P.E. – Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit on PE days.  PE lessons will be on Wednesdays.


Clubs-  If you child is attending a club where they will need to change into different clothes, please check that these are brought to school clearly named. Thank you.


Good behaviour – This is encouraged through praise and reward such as through team points, classroom rewards, ‘Golden Time’ on Friday afternoons, stickers,  Teacher certificates which are given out every Friday and Headteacher/Deputy headteacher awards for children that go above and beyond in their academic work and behaviour,


Phonics screening - This statutory assessment takes place in June. You will receive more information nearer the time,


Thank you very much for all your support so far. We very much look forward to working with you and your children this year.


With thanks,

Mrs Adams and Mrs Hemsley

