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Stocks GreenPrimary School


Homework 1.7.24


Our learning last week:



We completed our topic on shape. We focused on 3-D shapes, we named them and described their properties. We counted the number of faces, edges and vertices on each. We then made our own 3-D shapes using cubes, as well as straws and Blu-Tac. We then started our topic on statistics. We interpreted and drew pictograms.



We completed our newspaper reports about Sports Day. We then edited these and checked them to make sure we had used all the main elements of a newspaper report. We evaluated our work, in preparation for writing our final newspaper report about OPAL. We brainstormed our ideas for our new reports by recording all the activities we do in OPAL and how positively we feel about playtimes now. We continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week:

In geography we looked at different European flags and located the corresponding countries on a map. In R.E a visitor came in to talk to us about the traditions of Islam. In P.E we started cricket games and worked on our batting and fielding skills. In P.S.H.E we completed a relationship tree and talked about how our relationships vary with different people, such as those with family, friends and in school.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record, please bring your reading book and reading record to school every day. It will be lovely if you can write your own comments in your reading record from time to time.




Please complete the ‘Interpreting Pictograms’ sheets. Please do the first two. There is an optional extension third sheet.


Please also continue to learn your 2, 5, 10 and 3, 4 and 8 times tables on Hit the Button and Times Tables Rockstars. We are going to have another mixed times tables test on these on Monday 8th July.





Please complete the ‘Seas and Oceans’ reading comprehension. Please answer the questions in full sentences, e.g if the questions says ‘Which is the coldest ocean?’ your answer will be: 'The coldest ocean is the Arctic Ocean.

I have not set another subject so you can spend your time completing this comprehension.




This week in class we are working on the phoneme k.

Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 8th July:
















If you have spellings on a sheet please learn these instead.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three Team.

Homework 24.6.24


Our learning last week:


We continued our topic on shape. We identified and drew horizontal and vertical lines. We used mirrors to investigate which shapes have horizontal or vertical lines of symmetry, or both. We studied parallel and perpendicular lines and drew pairs of these. We also recognised and described the properties of 2-D shapes. Finally we drew polygons by plotting the vertices and joining these together.



We continued our newspaper report topic in English. We looked at a variety of reporting clauses and wrote direct speech to match these. We planned our newspaper report about sports day and began to write our full reports. We also revised all the elements of Year Three grammar and applied these to different sentence structures. We are enjoying learning about different women through our class reading book: 'Bold Women in Black History' by Vashti Harrison. We have continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week:

In P.S.H.E we talked about our different talents and recorded our top talent. We started our geography topic on 'Our European Neighbours' by locating and labelling the world's continents and studying a map of Europe. In R.E we looked at different symbols in religions and how food can symbolise different religious meanings. We started our cricket focus in P.E and we worked on our bowling and fielding skills through a range of activities.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record, please bring your reading book and reading record to school every day. it will be lovely if you can write your own comments in your reading record from time to time.




Please complete the: 'Draw the 2-D shapes' sheets. Please use a ruler for this work.

There is a 2-D shapes mat for you to refer to.

Please also continue to learn your 2,5,10 and 3, 4 and 8 times tables on Hit the Button and Times Tables Rockstars. We are going to have another mixed times tables test on these on Monday 1st July.




I would like you to find the names of the capital cities on the list of European countries. I would then like you to colour the countries from the list on the map of Europe.



This week in class we are working on the phoneme or.

Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 1st July:















If you have spellings on a sheet please learn these instead.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three Team.



Homework  17.6.24


Well done Year Three, for fully participating in Sports Day last Wednesday. It was lovely to see you all taking part in so many different activities.


Our learning last week:



We have continued with our topic on Shape. We revised our work on quarter, half, three quarter and full turns in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. We also studied right angles and acute and obtuse angles. We identified these angles as well as drawing them ourselves. We also drew lines accurately in cm, mm and a combination of these. We drew a square, rectangle and triangle from given measurements.



We started our new English unit, focusing on newspapers. We have been learning our new text reporting on the Northern Lights. From this text we identified the main features of the report, such as the headlines, subheadings, direct speech and reporting clauses. We are continuing to enjoy our class reading book: ‘Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History’ by Vashti Harrison. We have continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In P.S.H.E we looked at our strengths, achievements and areas that we would like to improve. We continued to learn the names of different shapes in French.  We had a science focus. We studied the different parts of a flowering plant and the functions of each. We also carried out an investigation into water transportation. We dyed roses and put them in three different places: hot, warm and cold. We discovered that water transportation is greatest in hot places and least in cold places.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and reading record to school every day. It will be lovely if you can write your own comments in your reading record from time to time.



Please complete the vertical and horizontal line worksheets. On the first work sheet, the circle counts as a curved line.


Please also continue to work on your 2, 5, 10 and 3, 4 and 8 times tables on hit the button and Times tables Rockstars. We are going to have another mixed times tables test on these on Monday 24th June.






Please write a paragraph about the zoo setting.



Please complete the plants word search.




This week in class we are working on the phoneme er.

Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 24th June. 


















If you have spellings on a sheet please learn these instead.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three Team.

Homework  10.6.24


We are looking forward to Sports Day on Wednesday.


Our learning last week:



We continued and completed our Maths topic on time. We looked at start and end times and the duration of different activities to work out how long each one took. This involved converting different times into the same unit (hours, minutes or seconds) to work out the answers. For example looking at the longest amount of time from: 200 seconds, 1 minute 50 seconds and 90 seconds meant converting 1 minute 50 seconds into 110 seconds. We also solved problems with time. Today we started our new maths topic on shape. We studied quarter, half, three quarter and full turns in clockwise and anticlockwise directions.



We had a grammar focus on inverted commas/speech marks. We identified and highlighted direct speech in a text. We added inverted commas to texts and then wrote our own sentences using inverted commas. We looked at how speech can also be recorded in speech bubbles. We started our new non-fiction class reading book: ‘Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History’ By Vashti Harrison. The texts included Mary Seacole, Tessa Sanderson and

Dr Mae Jemison. We continued our daily spelling and handwriting activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In geography we learnt about the threats to the survival of the rainforests and we designed a poster to save the rainforests. In P.S.H.E we looked at how we keep healthy through a balanced diet and good personal hygiene. We continued to learn the names of different shapes in French: une étolie (star) un hexagone, un pentgone et un losange (diamond). We enjoyed preparing for sports day in P.E.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and reading record to school every day. It will be lovely if you can write your own comments in your reading record from time to time.



Please complete the ‘Right angles in Turns’ sheets. Remember a right angle is a one quarter turn. When you are completing these activities I suggest that you have the shape you are facing at the top of the page and then actually turn the page in the correct number of quarter turns in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction. I have also given you a ‘Properties of Shape Recognising Turns’ sheet to help you with your understanding of this.



Please complete both the Punctuation Challenge sheets. Please also look in your reading books for direct speech. Can you read just the direct speech out loud from a page in your book?


Times tables:

Instead of an extra subject I would like you to really focus on your 3, 4 and 8 times tables (also revising 2, 5,and 10 times tables) ready for a written mixed times tables test on Monday 17th June.

Please use hit the button this week to try to increase your speed at each of these times tables. If you are very fast at these, please choose another times tables of your choice.



This week in class we are working on the phoneme ie.

Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 17th June. 















If you have spellings on a sheet please learn these instead.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three Team.


Homework  3.6.24


We hope you had a happy and restful half term. A reminder that it is our class photo on Friday 7th June. Please wear your school uniform, not P.E kit, on this day. We will have P.E on Wednesday this week.

We have many exciting activities to look forward to this term.

Our P.E days this term are Monday and Wednesday. Please can the children wear their P.E kit to school on these days.


Our learning the last week before half term:



We continued with a  lot of practical work using analogue clocks, particularly focusing on reading times to the minute ‘past’ the hour and times ‘to’ the hour. We continued to work on reading digital clocks and comparing them to times on analogue clocks. We also did some Latin! We learnt the meaning of A.M: Ante Meridiem (Before Midday) and P.M: Post Meridiem (After Noon). We then ordered times in chronological order, focusing on their A.M and P.M times. We also looked at different units of time such as: hours in a day, days in a week, days in each month and months in a year etc.



We completed our persuasive letters for or against the scenario of a care home being built on our school grounds. We edited our letters and focused on our correct use of grammar. We then looked through our letters to check that we had used persuasive language, rhetorical questions and sentences using exclamation marks. We enjoyed sharing our letters with each other. We completed our class reader, ‘The Boy Who grew Dragons’ and completed a summary poster about our learning. We continued our daily spelling and handwriting activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In geography we learnt about the way of life of the inhabitants of the rainforest. In R.E we studied the Muslim birth ceremonies and naming days. We learnt the meanings of our names and made bookmarks. We also studied the importance of the Hajj for a Muslim person. In art we studied the work of the artist Alice Kettle who is a contemporary textile/fibre artist and created pictures in her style.






Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and reading record to school every day. It will be lovely if you can write your own comments in your reading record from time to time.



In the last week of term I set two quizzes for you to complete on Diagnostic questions based on telling the time on an analogue clock. Please complete these if you have not done so. Please use your laminated time sheet to help you answer these questions. Remember if it is a time past the hour then you refer to the number that the hour hand has just gone past. If it is a time to the hour, look to see which number the hour hand is moving towards. These quizzes are open until 9th June.

If you completed the quizzes please complete the digital and analogue clock worksheets. I have given you a clock with five minute intervals past the hour to help you complete this activity.


Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.


English: Please complete the reading comprehension about bees.


Science: Please complete the animal classification sheet.


This week in class we are working on the phoneme i.

Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 10th June. 















If you have spellings on a sheet please learn these instead.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three Team.

Homework  20.5.24


Well done for all your brilliant information pages about animals that live in the rainforest. We are so impressed with all the hard work that has gone in to these. We are enjoying sharing these with each other and we will display them in the classroom.


Our learning over the last week:



We have started our topic on time. We learnt Roman numerals to twelve so that we could read times on Roman numeral clocks. We read times on analogue clocks, first revising o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We then told the time to five minute intervals and then progressed one minute intervals. We did a lot of practical work using analogue clocks, particularly focusing on reading times ‘past’ the hour and times ‘to’ the hour. We also read times on digital clocks and matched these to analogue clocks.



We worked in groups to record arguments for and against the scenario of a care home being built on our school grounds. We collated our information as a class and decided whether we would write a letter arguing ‘for‘ or ‘against’ this scenario. We highlighted the main points we would make in our own letters. We revised persuasive language we could use, as well as rhetorical questions. We then started to write our letters. We continued our daily spelling and handwriting activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In geography we learnt about climate in tropical rainforests. We looked average temperatures and rainfall over a year. We also studied the water cycle in these regions.  In P.E we worked on rallies across the net in badminton and tennis.  In R.E we studied the traditions of an Islamic wedding and we designed our own Mehndi patterns. We enjoyed painting our clay models in art. In D.T we studied a range of inventions and we ranked them from the most useful to the least useful, giving reasons for our choices.



As homework is not set in the holidays, these are activities for you to do this school week.



Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.

Please continue to read over half term.



Please work on telling the time to the nearest minute on an analogue clock (clock face). I have given you a laminated time sheet to help you tell the time ‘to’ and ‘past’ the hour. It would be really helpful if you have an analogue clock (or watch) that you can keep referring to at home to keep learning these.

I have set two quizzes for you to complete on Diagnostic questions based on telling the time on an analogue clock. Please use your laminated time sheet to help you answer these questions. Remember if it is a time past the hour then you refer to the number that the hour hand has just gone past. If it is a time to the hour, look to see which number the hour hand is moving towards. These quizzes are open until 9th June, so if you don’t have time to do them this school week you can do them when you come back after half term.


Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.




This week in class we are working on the phoneme ‘ee.’

Please work on these at home during this school week.

We will be learning these spellings but will NOT have a dictation on these after half term:















If you have spellings on a sheet please learn these instead.


I have put the spellings we have worked on so far in Year Three on a ‘ Class Spellings’ star on our class page so you can refer back to these if you wish to. If you have had spellings on sheets you have been given a copy of these.


Thank you for all your hard work with your homework and in class this term

We hope you have a very happy and restful half term.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three Team.

     Year 3 Homework  13.5.24


Our learning last week:



We completed our fractions topic. We consolidated our understanding of non- unit fractions of sets of objects, such as two thirds of 21, three quarters of 100 etc. We have been learning about money. We counted money using different combinations of notes and coins, we converted pounds and pence such as 652p = £6 and 52p; £8 and 65p = 865p etc. We added and subtracted money and calculated change. We applied our learning to problem solving activities. We also continued to work on our rapid recall of our times tables, in particular threes, fours and eights.



We wrote a persuasive letter as if we were the main character in the book ‘Window’ By Jeannie Baker. We compared the view from his home before the town development and afterwards. We worked together to create word banks for each scene. We then used persuasive language to describe each scene and to persuade the developers not to build on a new area of land near his new home. We are still enjoying our class reader, ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons.’ We continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning last week: 

In Science we studied skeletons, we classified animals into those with endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons. We learnt about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of skeleton. We had two P.E lessons with our sports partnership teachers this week. We did rallies across the nets in badminton. Then we worked in teams had matches in goal ball and enjoyed activities using a Frisbee. In French we learnt the names of shapes. In D.T we learnt about the inventor Mackintosh and we made waterproof boats. We evaluated their effectiveness.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. It will be lovely if you could write your own comments about the book you are reading too. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.



Please complete the sheets, ‘How much money is in my jar?’ and ‘Change from £5.’ There is an optional extension sheet: ‘Change from £10.’ You could use coins to help you do this. Remember in class we split the bank notes in to one pound coins to make the calculations easier to solve.


Try to use real money for adding coins and calculating change. If you are with an adult in a shop you may be able to pay for a small item, counting the coins yourself or working out how much change you will get.


Please focus on your eight times tables for an informal quiz on Monday 20th May.

Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.


English: Please read the poem, ‘The River’ and answer the questions about it.


Geography: This homework was set last week and is due in on Monday 20th May.

Please research the animals that live in rainforests. Please use the search engine Kiddle. You can present this information how you would like to. You can write, type on the computer, stick pictures on or draw your own pictures. I have given you an A3 sheet to work on. You can write about one or as many animals as you would like to. You could present your information like a mind map, with a drawing of the animal and facts about it around it.



Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 20th May.

The phoneme is ay.


















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 20th May.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

          Homework  7.5.24


We hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend.


Our learning last week:



We continued to work on adding and subtracting fractions. We then studied unit fractions of sets of objects. We learnt that if we are finding one quarter of a set of objects, we divide the number of objects by four, if we are finding one third we divide the number of objects by three etc. We then had to find non- unit fractions of sets of objects, such as three quarters, two thirds, etc. We did a lot of practical work using tens and ones counters to consolidate our understanding of these concepts. We also tackled problem solving activities relating to these. We continued to work on our rapid recall of our times tables, in particular twos, threes, fours, fives, eights and tens.



We read our letter from the zoo keeper and identified persuasive language, questions and exclamations in the text. We looked at a wide variety of rhetorical questions and how they are used for effect in persuasive writing. We then used persuasive language to write our opinions of the animal enclosures in the text ‘Zoo’ by Antony Browne. We continued to read our class reader, ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons.’ We discussed the text and explored the meaning of new vocabulary. We also continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning last week: 

In geography we located tropical rainforests on a world map. We also studied the different layers of the tropical rainforest and the types of vegetation and species of animals that live in each layer. In D.T we studied the invention of reinforced concrete by W.B Wilkinson in 1839. We worked in groups of four to create a free standing structure with newspaper and tape that would hold a dictionary. We worked well in our teams and we all met the design criteria. All groups created a successful structure, well done Year 3!





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. It will be lovely if you could write your own comments about the book you are reading too. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.



Please complete the first two ‘Finding Fractions of a Set’ worksheets. There is an optional third sheet as an extension. In the ‘thinking column’ you can write the division sum, for example if it asks you to find ½  of 24, you can write 24 ÷ 2; ¼ of 32 you write 32 ÷ 4 etc.

Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.




English: Please complete the reading comprehension about the rainforest.


Geography: This homework is for two weeks and is due in on Monday 20th May.

Please research the animals that live in rainforests. Please use the search engine Kiddle. You can present this information how you would like to. You can write, type on the computer, stick pictures on or draw your own pictures. I have given you an A3 sheet to work on. You can write about one or as many animals as you would like to. You could present your information like a mind map, with a drawing of the animal and facts about it around it.



Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 13th May.

The phoneme is sh.
















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 13th May.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.


Homework  29.4.24


The children really enjoyed our ‘Living History’ Ancient Egyptian workshop and took part in a wide range of activities. It was lovely to see their excitement and the application of their historical knowledge.


Our learning last week:



We completed our Mass and Capacity topic. We continued work on comparing capacity and volume and we added and subtracted capacity and volume using measurements with different increments in millilitres and litres. We have started the second part of our fractions topic. We added and subtracted fractions. We understood that the denominator remains the same when we add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. We also continued to work on our rapid recall of our times tables, in particular twos, threes, fours, fives, eights and tens.



We wrote a report of our Ancient Egyptian workshop. We included subheadings and photographs of our different activities to enhance our descriptions. We learnt to recite the letter we received from the zoo keeper last week. We are still enjoying our class reader, ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons.’ We also continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning last week: 

In D.T we studied the invention of the telephone. We made cup string telephones using four different types of string and tested them to see which string was the most effective for carrying the sound. In R.E we studied the names and the meanings of the five pillars of Islam. In P.E we learnt about serving correctly in tennis and badminton. We started rallies with a partner. In Science we looked at food labelling on different packets of food. We talked about how the meaning of the different colours inform the consumer.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day. From time to time please could you also write your own comments in your reading record to to say what you are enjoying about the book you are reading.



You have three tasks to complete on ‘Diagnostic Questions’. One quiz is related to our topic on mass. The second and third quizzes are focused on adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Please email our Class 3 email if you would like a reminder of your Diagnostic Questions log in details.


Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.

On Tuesday 7th May we will have an informal test on the four times tables.




In our English work we are learning about persuasive writing. Please complete the writing activity ‘Would you rather live in the mountains or near the beach?’ Please use the opinions prompt sheet to help you with your writing. Please say why you would not like to live in one place and why you would prefer to live in the another. Think of all the activities you could do in each place and why you think one is better than the other. You have been provided with lined paper for this homework.



Please make an A4 collage of food labels that you have on your food at home. You can write the name of the food that the labelling comes from or cut out a picture of the name of the food. Can you find a variety of labelling that shows different colours representing different groups? The labels we are looking for are those that have the different colours to represent the percentage of fats, sugars etc. They are in traffic light colours for each food type on your food packaging. If there is a high percentage they are in red, if a low percentage they are green etc. 



Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Tuesday 7th May

The phoneme is t.
















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Tuesday 7th May.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  22.4.24


We are looking forward to our Ancient Egyptian workshop tomorrow. This will be a memorable and exciting end to our history topic.


Our learning last week:



We added and subtracted mass and we enjoyed weighing a variety of items on scales using grams and kilogrammes. We then compared volume and capacity. We learnt that the capacity of a container is the amount a container can actually hold and that volume is the actual amount that is in a container. We measured capacity and volume in millilitres and litres and then looked at equivalent capacities and volumes. We also continued to work on our rapid recall of our times tables, in particular twos, threes, fours, fives, eights and tens.



We wrote a recount of our holiday, focusing on correct paragraph and sentence structures. We completed a reading comprehension about Ancient Egyptians. Our grammar work focused on the homophones there, their and they’re. We are still enjoying our class reader, ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons.’ We also continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In P.E we started our badminton lessons with our ‘Sports Partnership’ teacher. We also started our tennis lessons. In science we began our topic on Animals Including Humans. We sorted foods into their food groups such as carbohydrates, proteins and fruit and vegetables. We talked about the importance of a healthy, balanced diet. We have been learning about British inventors and we studied Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the internet. We thought about all the things we use the internet for.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day. From time to time please could you also write your own comments in your reading record to to say what you are enjoying about the book you are reading.




Please complete the two star sheets: ‘Reading scales to measure in litres and millilitres.’

If you complete these quickly there is an optional extension to complete: the three star sheets.


Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.

On Monday 29th April we will have an informal test on the three times table.




You have two reading comprehensions to complete:

‘How to Grow Your Own Spring Daffodils’ and ‘The Ultimate Umbrella Hat.’ If you complete these quickly, as an optional extension, on the back of the ‘Ultimate Umbrella Hat’ you could write whether or not you would wear one and why. Has the advert been powerful enough to persuade you to wear one?



Using the Knowledge organiser as a guide, please record examples of food that you eat this week from each of the food categories. You can draw and/or write examples of these on the table provided.



Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 29nd April

The phoneme is s.

















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 29th April.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  15.4.24


We hope you had a very Happy Easter and a wonderful holiday. It was lovely to welcome the children back to school this morning. We look forward to a busy and exciting term ahead with (hopefully) lots of sunshine!


Our learning in the last week before the holidays:



We compared different masses and ordered them from lightest to heaviest and heaviest to lightest. We understood that we had to compare the kilograms first and then the grams, in order to put them in the correct order. We also continued to work on our rapid recall of our times tables, in particular twos, threes, fours, fives, eights and tens.



We continued to read our class reader, ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons.’ We discussed the text and explored the meaning of new vocabulary. We completed non-fiction reading comprehension tasks. We also continued our daily handwriting activities.


Examples of our other learning in the week before the holidays: 

In P.E we learnt the technique for throwing javelins and we continued to work on our target practice. We enjoyed the intra house Athletics competition on Wednesday afternoon.  In science we enjoyed comparing the strength of a variety of magnets to see which was the strongest. In art we made a clay model of a character or an object from a story of our choice. We also enjoyed Easter craft activities.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.




Please complete the ‘Reading Scales’ worksheets. On the second sheet please use a different colour for each line for a-e. Please also complete the ‘Easter Basket Weight Measurement’ sheet.

If you complete the above three sheets quickly there is an optional extension: ‘Compare the fruit.’ Remember that if you have to find the difference, it is a subtraction sum.


Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.





Please completer the ‘There, Their or They’re Quiz.’ I have given each of you a book mark to help you decide which homophone to use.

Remember that if  they’re (they are) does not make sense in the sentence then you have the choice left of there or their. If the sentence is about a place or position you use there and if it is about belonging/possession you use their.

As an optional extension you could write your own sentences using they’re, their and there.



We are starting our new topic on ‘Animals Including Humans.’ Please complete the word search, so you become familiar with the vocabulary we will be using in the topic.



Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 22nd April

The phoneme is r.















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 25th March.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  25.3.24


It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another term! The children have worked really hard and I look forward to sharing their achievements with you at Parents Evening this week.


Our learning over the last week:



We have continued our mass and capacity topic. We have looked at scales with different intervals to read grammes and a combination of grammes and kilogrammes. We have also looked at equivalent masses by adding different weights together and through missing number sentences, such as 250g +____= 1 kg, 1 kg = 600g + ___g etc. We understand that 1kg = 1,000g. We used bar models to find fractions of a kilogram, such as a half, quarter, a fifth and a tenth. We have also revised addition and subtraction sums involving exchange.



We looked completed our non-chronological reports and edited them. We then wrote them out in our best writing using our handwriting pens. We drew a diagram of our imaginary creature and labelled it in detail. We continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In history we learnt about the Egyptian gods and we selected ones of our choice to write about in our history books. In P.E we used timers to see how fast we could complete laps. We also learnt the correct technique to throw a javelin. In R.E we learnt about different types of writing in the Bible, such as letters, stories and proverbs. In Science we used magnetic force to move objects.



As homework is not set in the holidays, these are activities for you to do this school week. These are practical activities for you to do at home.



Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.

Please continue to read every day over the holidays.



Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars, such as

5 x 8 = 40; 40 ÷ 5 = 8 etc.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.


We are learning about grammes and kilogrammes in Maths. This week or during the holiday can you help bake something or weigh out ingredients if you have scales at home?

Also look on the packaging of unopened food. It will tell you how heavy the item is in grammes. Hold different unopened packets of food to get to know what the different weights feel like.


Well done for all your hard work with your homework and in class this term. Parents, thank you for your continued support.


We hope you have a relaxing holiday and a very Happy Easter.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  18.3.24


Well done for your continued hard work with your homework. We were really impressed with all your research about Tutankhamun last week.


Our learning over the last week:



We have completed the first part of our topic on fractions. We will do a second topic on fractions during the Summer term. We continued to explore equivalent fractions and compared their numerators and denominators. We also revised addition and subtraction sums, with and without exchange, using hundreds, tens and ones. We have now started our new maths topic on mass and capacity. We have been looking at scales on number lines, such as 0-1000 number line being divided into 4 parts of 250 or 10 parts of 100 etc.



In English we completed our non-chronological writing about dragons and edited our work. We checked our work for our use of adding conjunctions, topic sentences and fronted adverbials of time. We evaluated our learning and discussed the areas we need to focus in our final report. We then designed our own creature, labelled it and wrote down our ideas about it. We planned our report about it. We continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In P.E continued our athletics theme, through sprinting games and target work. In science we enjoyed a practical investigation about materials that are and are not magnetic. We discovered that not all metals are magnetic. In art we drew pictures in the style of Quentin Blake. We chose pencils or watercolour paint to colour them.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.



I have set three tasks about fractions for you to complete on diagnostic questions. Please use your fractions wall to help you answer the questions about equivalent fractions.


Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.


English: Please read the ‘Woodland Animals’ poem. Please then answer the questions about the poem. Remember to use full sentences if you are required to answer a question in detail.


Art: We have been looking at the illustrations of Quentin Blake. I would like you to choose an illustrator that you enjoy. This may from a book that you are reading now or in a book you have read before. You can find pictures by your illustrator on the search engine ‘Kiddle’ if you do not have a book with the illustrations in. Please draw at least one picture in the style of your illustrator. You can colour it using a medium of your choice. Please remember to write your name and the name of the illustrator on your work. I have provided some A4 plain paper for you to complete your work.



Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 25th March. (Sometimes spellings the children have previously had appear in their weekly spellings for revision and reinforcement work.)

The phoneme is n.

















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 25th March.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  11.3.24


The children fully participated in our Book Week activities last week. Thank you for all your support with providing the wonderful costumes for World Book Day. The children enjoyed talking about their characters and the books they were from.

Congratulations to all the children that took part in our reading challenge during Book Week. Please count any reading minutes for Monday 11th March, so that it is completely fair for everyone. Please also add up the total minutes you have read over the week.


Our learning over the last week:



We continued our topic on fractions. We compared and ordered non-unit fractions, with the same and different denominators. We studied fractions as scales, for example a third of a litre or a quarter of a metre. We also read and placed fractions on a number line. We then counted fractions on a number line using different intervals, from halves to tenths. Finally, we looked at equivalent fractions on number lines, so we understood that one half is equivalent to three sixths, four eights and five tenths etc.



In English we wrote the first paragraph of our non-chronological report on dragons, drawing on all our previous knowledge of grammar and the information we had collated about dragons. We enjoyed our book week activities: our reading breakfast when we shared our favourite stories with each other, listening to a story read by Miss Smith and World Book Day when we dressed up and wrote about our favourite story. We also enjoyed using our imagination and creativity to make a book character from a potato and writing a story in pairs with a pupil from Year Four. We continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.

Well done to all the children who took part in our reading challenge.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In history we looked at Tutankhamun’s tomb and the significance of each room. We them designed our own tomb for a pharaoh and drew the treasures that we would find inside it. In P.E we continued with our sprinting theme in athletics through a variety of challenges and games. In science we studied magnetic poles and we used magnets to experiment when the poles attract and repel each other.



Thank you for all the amazing research about Tutankhamun. We are so impressed with all your hard work. We are making a display with them in the corridor next to our classroom.



Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.


Maths: We started to learn about equivalent fractions today. I have laminated a Fractions Wall to help you understand these. Please keep this at home, it will be very useful to have for this year and also as you move through the school.

Please complete the equivalent fractions work sheets. Remember that the numerator (the top number) represents how many equal parts are shaded) and the denominator (the lower number) represents how many equal parts the whole is divided in to. As an extension you may wish to use your fractions wall to record equivalent fractions on the back of your maths sheets.



Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.


English:  Please write a report about book week. Which activities did you enjoy the most and why? These are some things you could write about: Our reading breakfast, making a potato character, story writing with Year 4, our World Book Day and dressing up as a character or listening to a story. You can add illustrations to your report. Don’t forget to write a main title and then sub-headings for any activities that you decide to write about. Do you have any ideas about what we could include in Book Week next year? You have a piece of lined paper for this.


Science:  Please complete the word search on Magnets and Forces.



Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 18th March

The phoneme is m.















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 18th March.

Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.

Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  4.3.24


We have book week this week. We hope the children enjoy all the exciting activities that have been planned by the English team.


Our learning over the last week:



We started our topic on fractions. We learnt the terms numerator (the top number of the fraction) and the denominator (the lower number of the fraction). We learnt that the denominator represents how many parts the whole is split in to. We studied unit fractions, where the numerator is always one. We looked at the denominators of unit fractions and ordered them. We also studied non-unit fractions where the numerator is any number except one. We recorded different fractions to make a whole number.



In English we wrote sentences using fronted adverbials of time. We looked at the purpose of paragraphs in non-chronological texts. We matched subheadings to their correct paragraphs as well as matching topic sentences to their paragraphs. We were then able to write our own paragraphs using topic sentences. As a class we labelled a dragon and made notes around it in preparation for writing our own non-chronological reports this week. We continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In history we learnt about mummification and we mummified oranges. We filled them with salt, bicarbonate of soda, cinnamon and cloves. We added a heart to the inside of the orange and added drawings of jewellery inside the bandages. We learnt what all these represented in Ancient Egyptian times. In P.E we continued our athletics theme. In science we timed how long it would take for a wooden block to travel down slopes with different surfaces. We then concluded which surface produced the most friction. In PSHE we looked at who keeps us safe in different places, such as lifeguards at swimming and instructors at adventure centres.





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.

Don’t forget to record how many minutes you read at home this week if you are taking part in the book week reading challenge. Good luck!


Maths: I have included a laminated fractions wheel sheet for you to keep at home to help reinforce your understanding that with unit fractions, as the number on the denominator increases, the size of the fraction decreases.


Please complete the stained glass fraction window sheet and the colour and label fractions sheet. There is an extension stained glass fraction window sheet if you would like an optional further challenge.


Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.


English:  Please read the non-chronological report about hedgehogs and answer the questions. As you read the report, can you identify the main heading, subheadings and topic sentences?


History: This homework was set last week as a two week homework:

Please research Tutankhamun on the search engine, Kiddle. Please create a fact page about him. You can include any information that interests you. You can draw pictures, stick pictures on, or type information. If you would like to do your work on a computer, you can email it to our class 3 email.

We have talked about how his tomb was discovered in class but we haven’t gone into detail about the artefacts found in his tomb or his life, so these are areas I suggest you focus on.

I have provided some A3 paper for your work but you may prefer to use A4 paper (half the size.)



Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 11th March

The phoneme is l.














If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 11th March.


Thank you for your continued hard work with your homework.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  26.2.24

Thank you for all your donations and help with the cake sale last week. It is greatly appreciated.


Our learning over the last week:



We continued our topic work on length and perimeter. We compared and subtracted lengths involving millimetres, centimetres and metres and a combination of these. We also studied perimeter, through identifying the perimeter of different shapes and measuring them. We drew our own shapes and measured the perimeters of them. Finally we calculated the perimeters of more complex shapes through problem solving activities.



In English we continued to learn about non-chronological texts. We identified adding conjunctions and fronted adverbials in texts and a range of activities. We also wrote our own sentences including these. We continued our daily handwriting and spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In history we researched Egyptian pharaohs on the iPads and created our own pharaoh fact pages. In P.E started our athletics lessons. In PSHE we completed our unit on keeping safe and summarised our learning through discussion and answering a range of questions. We studied friction in science through a practical experiment





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.



Please complete the two worksheets on finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. There is a third optional extension sheet if you would like a further challenge.


Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.



To reinforce your understanding of fronted adverbials, please complete the sheets ‘Fronted adverbials’ and ‘How did it happen?’



This homework is for two weeks. Please research Tutankhamun on the search engine, Kiddle. Please create a fact page about him. You can include any information that interests you. You can draw pictures, stick pictures on, or type information. If you would like to do your work on a computer, you can email it to our class 3 email.

We have talked about how his tomb was discovered in class but we haven’t gone into detail about the artefacts found in his tomb or his life, so these are areas I suggest you focus on.

I have provided some A3 paper for your work but you may prefer to use A4 paper (half the size.)




Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 4th March

The phoneme is k.


















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 4th March.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  20.2.24


Welcome back to school!


Our learning in the week before half term:



Through our topic work on length and perimeter, we continued to measure in millimetres, centimetres and metres. We studied equivalent lengths, such as mm into cm and cm into metres and a combination of all of these. We also compared lengths through practical activities and problem solving challenges.



We studied the features of non-fiction texts. We had a treasure hunt to identify the dragon that left us the clues and were visited by the Dragon Slayer who answered our questions about dragons! We previously wrote effective questions to ask him, those that required more than a yes or no answer. We studied and learnt ‘The Sea Rex’ text using actions to help us recall it. We completed our non-fiction class reader: Nano: The Spectacular Science of the Very (Very) Small by Jess WadeWe continued our daily spelling and handwriting activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In history we learnt about the significance of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. In P.E we worked performed our class dance to the school and we continued to enjoy our swimming lessons. In Art we used watercolours to paint pictures inspired by the work of the artist, Inbal Leitner. In R.E we completed our topic, ‘What we know about Jesus.’





Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day, so we can continue to monitor your progress.



Please complete the first worksheet, ‘Converting between millimetres and centimetres.’ If you finish this quickly as an optional extension there are two additional sheets ‘Centimetres and millimetres.’ You can do one or both of these as additional learning.

Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars, such as

5 x 8 = 40; 40 ÷ 5 = 8 etc.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.





Please complete the reading comprehension about Chinese new year. Please remember to use full sentences in the answers where you are required to write a response.



Please complete the friction worksheet. Remember friction is an advantage when you want something to stop or grip and it is a disadvantage when you want something to move freely.





Please learn these spellings in preparation for a dictation on Monday 26th February.

The phoneme is  ‘j’


















If you have spellings on a sheet, please learn these instead for a test on Monday 26th February.


A reminder that P.E is on Mondays and Wednesdays in Term 3. Tomorrow is our last swimming lesson. Please wear your school uniform tomorrow


We look forward to another busy and exciting term.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  5.2.24


Congratulations to all the children in Year 3- Year 6 who represented our school so beautifully in the concert at the O2 last week.


Our learning over the last week:



We have been measuring accurately in centimetres and millimetres; centimetres and metres and a combination of these measurements. We have looked at equivalent lengths, for examples 65mm= 6cm 5mm; 165cm =1m 65cm. We have also solved word problems involving length. We are continuing to revise our times tables.



We looked at persuasive language in a range of adverts. We designed our own product in a poster format. We then wrote a detailed description of their product, to persuade people to buy it. We studied prepositional phrases in our grammar work. We are enjoying our non-fiction class reader: Nano: The Spectacular Science of the Very (Very) Small by Jess Wade. We have continued our daily spelling and handwriting activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In history we looked at Egyptian artefacts and photographs. We drew them, asked questions about them and recorded what we thought they were used for. In P.E we worked together to finalise our class dance and we are continuing to enjoy our swimming lessons. In French we learnt the names of these different fruits: apple, strawberry, banana, cherry and peach. We also revised French greetings in conversation.



As homework is not set in the holidays, these are activities for you to do this school week. These are practical activities for you to do at home.



Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.

Please continue to read over half term.



Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please also learn the related division facts through Times Tables Rockstars, such as

5 x 8 = 40; 40 ÷ 5 = 8 etc.
If you are really confident with these, you could begin to learn another times table of your choice.

Please measure different objects at home using millimetres and centimetres. How accurately can you measure objects to the correct millimetre?



Have a look at adverts on television, posters, in comics and magazines. What persuasive language do they use? How do they make people feel that they really need the product? Who is the advert aimed at? Would you or someone in your family buy the product and why? Talk to an adult in your family about these.




Please work on these spellings at home during this school week.

We will be working on the phoneme g.

We will not have a dictation on the first day back, instead we will be putting these words in to sentences in class this week.


















If you have spellings on a sheet, we will not have a test on the first day back, instead we will also be putting these words in to sentences in class this week.


Thank you for all your hard work with your homework and in class this term.


We hope you have a very happy and relaxing half term.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  29.1.24


The children are continuing to progress well with their swimming.


Our learning over the last week:



We have completed our with our multiplication and division unit. We have continued to link multiplication and division through fact families, for example 4 x 8 = 32; 8 x 4 = 32;

32 ÷ 4 = 8; 32 ÷ 8 = 4; 40 x 8 = 320;  80 x 4 = 320; 320 ÷ 40 = 8; 320  ÷ 80 = 4 etc. We have divided a two digit number by a one digit number:  without exchanging, with flexible partitioning and with remainders. We then applied our knowledge to scaling.



We continued our work on ‘The Tunnel’ By Antony Browne. We described and compared the brother and sister characters of Rose and Jack. We then wrote arguments for and against Rose following her brother in to the tunnel. From our lists we concluded whether we would or would not advise Rose to go in to the tunnel.  We studied prepositions in our grammar work. We have completed our class reader, ‘Revolting Rhymes’ by Roald Dahl. We have continued our daily spelling and handwriting activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In history we looked at the settlements that grew up around the River Nile in Ancient Egypt and the importance of the River Nile to daily life. We created collage pictures using a wide variety of colour in art.  We have started our science topic, Forces and Magnets. In PSHE we looked at a Risk Robot. We talked about different scenarios, whether they were high, medium or low risk. We then discussed strategies to reduce the risks and then evaluated the final risk factor.



Please return this week’s homework by Monday 5th February, in your homework folder.



Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.


Maths:  Please work on your eight times tables for an informal quiz on Monday 5th February. 

Please continue to work on your 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables on ‘Hit the Button’ and Times Tables Rockstars.

Please complete the first two worksheets, divide a ten digit number by a one digit number. There is a third optional extension sheet, this sheet does involve exchanging.


English:  Please complete the two preposition sheets. These focus on prepositions of place and time. As an extension you may want to write some sentence of your own containing prepositions.



Science:  We are looking at forces in our Science topic. Have a look at home and when you are out, at objects that are moved by pushes and pulls. Please complete the pushes and pulls work sheet. Please draw the pushes and pulls forces. You could add a brief description such as: A push moves a swing,  A pull closes a window etc.


Spellings:  Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 5th February.

The phoneme is: f
















If you have been given spellings on a sheet please learn those instead.

Please complete all homework in HB and coloured pencils.


 Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  15.1.24


The children enjoyed our swimming lesson last week and adapted well to the new routines and expectations.

This week is Science week. We have many exciting activities planned for the week.


Our learning over the last week:



We are now studying the second part of our Multiplication and Division topic. The children have applied their knowledge and skills to solving problems and gaining a greater understanding of the links between these concepts. This week we have focused on the four and eight times tables. We have also worked on multiples of ten and related calculations for example understanding that: 14 ÷ 7 = 2 so 140 ÷ 7 = 20 ;  5 x 6 = 30, so 5 x 60 =300.



In English, we have had a grammar focus. We studied main clauses and subordinating clauses. We wrote our own sentences using these. We have also studied adverbs. We are reading ‘The Tunnel’ by Antony Browne in our English lessons. We drew and described an imaginary world that we thought the tunnel would lead to. We are continuing to enjoy our class reader, ‘Revolting Rhymes’ by Roald Dahl. We are continuing our daily spelling activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: 

In P.E we worked in pairs to choreograph our own dance, based on last week’s learning. We did block coding on the iPads using Scratch Junior and ‘Make A Flappy Game’ on the Hour of Code website. In history we drew a large time line on the playground and we saw that the Ancient Egyptian time periods overlapped with the Stone Age and Bronze Age eras in Britain.



Please return this week’s homework by Monday 22nd January, in your homework folder.



Please continue to read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.



Please complete the multiplication and division word problems sheet. Please also focus on the three times table. We will have an informal three times table quiz next Monday to work on your rapid recall skills. As an optional extension we have an inverse multiplication and division sheet. You have a times tables sheet to help you calculate the answers.




Please complete the Animal Adverbs activity sheet. You can choose adverbs from the sheet or some of the adverbs from the Wow words: Adverbs sheet. If you would like an extension, you may wish to write your own sentences using adverbs. Remember you need a subject, eg the dog, a verb eg running and an adverb eg quickly (so the adverb describes the verb.)


Science:  Please complete the 'Light and Shadows' word search.


Spellings:  Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 22nd January.

The phoneme is: oo
















If you have been given spellings on a sheet please learn those instead.

Please complete all homework in HB and coloured pencils.


 Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and the Year Three team.

Homework  8.1.24


Happy New Year! We hope you had a very happy Christmas and have a wonderful 2024.

We wanted to say a huge well done to all the children for how beautifully they have settled back in to school this term. It has been lovely to hear all about their holidays. We look forward to a busy and exciting term ahead.

In Term Three we have P.E on Mondays and swimming on Wednesdays. (We will have our missed swimming lesson the first Wednesday back after half term.)


Our learning this week:

Maths: We are completing the first part of our Multiplication and division topic. Last week we continued work on the four times table and related division facts. We are currently working on the eight times table and related division facts. We have been working on problem solving activities where we have applied our knowledge of these times tables to word problems.


English:  The children wrote a recount of their holiday, we were focused on our handwriting, sentence structures and general presentation. In our grammar work we looked at adventurous adjectives, we substituted adjectives in sentences with those that made the sentences more descriptive and exciting. We also analysed a poem and looked for rhyming words. We started our class reader, ‘Revolting Rhymes’ by Roald Dahl.


Examples of our other learning this week: In Art we enjoyed drawing charcoal cave pictures under our desks. We also looked at the use of colour and lines in different pieces of art work. We started our R.E topic, ‘What do we know about Jesus?’ We talked about respect and valuing difference in PSHE. We have begun our P.E unit on dance.



Please return this week’s homework by Monday 15th January, in your homework folder.


Reading: A reading challenge for this week: Please read at home every day and ask your parent to sign your reading record. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.



Please continue to work on your Times Tables Rockstars accounts. Please complete the multiplication wheels for the four and eight times tables. Please complete the two star sheets. If you complete these really quickly there are three star sheets as an optional extension.


English: Please complete the reading comprehension about New Year celebrations around the world.


PSHE:   Please complete the New Year’s Resolution sheet. We have talked about it in class, so you may have thought of your ideas for this already!


Spellings:  Please learn these spellings for a dictation on Monday 15th January.

The phoneme is: er
















If you have been given spellings on a sheet please learn those instead.




Please complete all homework in HB and coloured pencils.



Best Wishes from Miss Dargie, Ms Greensmith and Ms Turner.

Year 3   Homework         04.12.23


Well done for an excellent week’s work Year Three.


Maths: This week we have been grouping and sharing objects to get a real understanding of multiplication and division. We have focused on the three times table, with related division facts. We have represented our multiplication and division facts as bar models, addition sentences, arrays and drawing sets.


English: We looked at the determiners ‘a’ and ‘an’ in our writing and how ‘a’ is usually used before a word starting with a vowel and that ‘an’ is usually used before a word starting with a consonant. We planned a story about the unlikely hero that we designed. We then wrote the story in a comic strip style. We are continuing with our daily spelling and handwriting activities.


Examples of our other learning this week: In Science we did an investigation with mirrors. We explained how mirrors work and we enjoyed moving a marble along a wiggly line, just by watching the reflection in the mirror. We made a sequence of balances with a partner in gymnastics. We wrote a fact page about Diwali in our R.E lesson. In history we learnt that after the Bronze age, iron was used as it was a much stronger metal. We studied where iron was sourced and how it was made.



Please return this week’s homework by Monday 11th December, in your homework folder.


Reading: Please continue with your daily reading and please write a comment in your reading record book to show you have read. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading record book to school every day.



We have sent home a multiplication table to help you to learn your times tables and become familiar with the multiples of the times tables that we are studying. We have also sent home a multiplication and division knowledge organiser for you to refer to. Please keep them in a safe place at home so you can continue to use them to help you learn these crucial maths concepts. Please continue to work on your Times Tables Rockstars accounts.


There is a multiplication wheel activity to complete. Please write the answer in the outside section of the wheel. There is an additional sheet if you would like it as an extension activity.


English: Please write a descriptive paragraph for the setting. Please remember capital letters and full stops for all your sentences. Please use some amazing adjectives and adverbs in your writing.


Science: You have a reflecting pattern sheet. Please place a mirror down the central line and draw the mirror image of the shape patterns. As an extension you may wish to draw a simple picture and a mirror image of it. If you are using a mirror, please do so under adult supervision as mirrors are fragile.

If you do not have a mirror you can use you can draw the mirror image of the pattern by counting the squares, for example if a circle shape is three squares to the left of the central line you can draw it three squares to the right of the central line.





The phoneme is ‘ear’ Please learn your spellings for a dictation on Monday 11th December.















If you have been given spellings on a sheet please learn those instead.


Please complete all homework in HB and coloured pencils.


Thank you for all your support.

We look forward to seeing you next week,


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie, Ms Greensmith and Ms Turner

Year 3   Homework         27.11.23


A reminder that Year Three homework is for one and a half hours every week. Please aim to spend half an hour on Maths, half an hour on English and half an hour on the other subject. I have set challenges so if you work quickly you can complete these as well but these depend on your pace of work. Reading is additional to our set homework, please aim to read every day, thank you.


Our learning last week:

Maths:  We completed our addition and subtraction topic by applying our knowledge to problem solving activities. We started our Multiplication and Division topic, we shared different numbers into equal groups, we made arrays and we revised multiples of twos, fives and tens. We used counters and cubes to consolidate our understanding of these concepts.


English:  We designed a ‘Lost’ poster from our class reading book, Ottoline and the Yellow Cat. We studied vowels and consonants in our grammar work. We started reading Arthur and the Golden Rope for our English lessons. The story is about an unlikely hero. We worked together in groups and brainstormed the characteristics that we would expect a hero or heroine to have. We used dictionaries and thesauruses to help us with our spelling and range of vocabulary. We then designed our own unlikely hero or heroine that we are going to have as the main character for our own stories this week. We have continued our daily phonics and spelling work.


Examples of our other learning: In design and technology we built electric circuits with a bulb, wires and a battery. In science we studied refection and we did an experiment about reflective materials. We made the classroom dark and we shone torches on to different materials. We then ordered them from the most reflective to the least reflective material. In P.E we worked in teams to problem solve and make faces using different equipment. We followed a plan and worked well together. We worked on different rolls, balances, jumps and ways of travelling in our gymnastics lesson.





English: Please complete the consonants sheet. If you are stuck, a clue for question 6, think of the name of a baby cat. If you would like an extension, please write out your spelling words and underline all the consonants in them. Please write these on the back of your consonants sheet if you have time to do this.


Reading: Please continue with your daily reading and please write a comment in your reading record book to show you have read. Please can you continue to bring your reading book and reading record book to school every day. Thank you.


Maths: Please complete the multiplication using arrays worksheet. Remember with arrays, the columns go from top to bottom and the rows go from left to right. If you would like a challenge I have set a missing number challenge on Diagnostic questions. This is optional.


Please continue to work on your TT Rockstars accounts and Hit the button the keep learning your times tables. Remember when you are really good at 2s, 5s and 10s to start your 3s, then 4s and 8s.

The link for hit the button is:


Please also continue to work on the Number Bonds section of Hit the Button and work on: Addition within 20 and Subtraction within 20 to get really quick with these calculations.


R.E: Please complete the word search on Diwali. If you have time you may also like to make a Diwali lantern. You can decorate it however you wish to using coloured pencils, crayons, felt pens etc. Please make it as colourful as possible.




This week the phoneme is ‘air’. Please learn these words for a dictation on Monday 4th

















If you have been given spelling sheets please learn these words instead.



Best Wishes from Miss Dargie, Ms Greensmith and Ms Turner.


Year 3   Homework         20.11.23


Well done to all the children who put themselves forward for representing our class on the school council. We were really impressed with all the ideas and hard work that went into each presentation. Congratulations to Isabel and Jaxon who were voted on to the school council by our class.

Last Monday we took part in a Diwali drumming workshop. On Wednesday we enjoyed our VR workshop about the Stone Age.


Our learning last week:

Maths:  We continued our addition and subtraction work with hundreds, tens and ones with exchanging. After working on many more examples we are so much more confident with working on these independently. We also worked on number bonds to one hundred. We estimated answers to addition problems by rounding up or down to the nearest ten or one hundred. We also studied inverse operations, so we could check our additions by calculating related subtraction, for example 150 = 130 + 20,  150 – 20 = 130   etc


English:  We wrote a postcard to Ottoline in the style of those from our class reading book ‘Ottoline and the Yellow Cat.’ We enjoyed choosing where we would send the card from and illustrating the front of the postcard. We wrote a short report on our VR workshop. In our grammar work we learnt about the past progressive tense, for example, I was playing, they were listening etc. We have continued our daily phonics and spelling work.


Examples of our other learning: In P.E we continued to work cooperatively in our teams to solve problems and to achieve set goals. We did a variety of rolls in gymnastics and combined then with jumps and balances to form our own sequences. In R.E we designed a Diwali greetings card. In history we learnt that they used wool for weaving in the Bronze Age, so we did some colourful paper weaving. We started our Science topic on light, we looked at our prior knowledge and our investigation focused on the fact that we need light to be able to see.





English: Please complete the reading comprehension about Diwali celebrations.


Reading: Please continue with your daily reading and please write a comment in your reading record book to show you have read. Please can you continue to bring your reading book and reading record book to school every day. Thank you.



You have two Maths sheets to complete, one on Inverse Operations and the other on Complements to 100. If you would like extension work, I have set two quizzes that you can complete on Diagnostic Questions, these are optional.


Please continue to work on your TT Rockstars accounts and Hit the button the keep learning your times tables. Remember when you are really good at 2s, 5s and 10s to start your 3s, then 4s and 8s.

The link for hit the button is:


Please also work on the Number Bonds section of Hit the Button and work on: Addition within 20 and Subtraction within 20 to get really quick with these calculations.


Design and Technology: We are starting our new topic on ‘Light Up Signs’. When you are out please have a look to see where you can find light up signs, many are on shops and businesses. Please either draw or take photographs of light up signs that you see or have seen. If you take photographs and do not have a printer, you can email them to our class 3 email and I can print them for you.

If you will not be out when it is dark you could have a look on line for them. You can use the search engine Kiddle, search for light up signs and then click on images. There are many to look at on pages 1-4.





This week the phoneme is ‘ue’. Please learn these words for a dictation on Monday 27th




















If you have been given spelling sheets please learn these words instead.



Best Wishes from Miss Dargie, Ms Greensmith and Ms Turner.


Year 3   Homework         13.11.23


Well done for the beautiful fireworks pictures, Year Three, they are all so bright and colourful.

We welcome Hannah to our class who is doing work experience with us this week. We hope she will be very happy with us.


Our learning last week:

Maths:  We started addition with exchanging across a hundred, so when the tens columns add up to 10 or more we exchange, for example:

                                               H T O

                                                    4 5 4

                                                 + 3 6 2


                                                    8 1 6




This follows on from our work on addition exchanging across a 10. 

We also worked on subtracting two numbers across a 10.                                                  

We also subtracted two numbers across a hundred.

In some subtractions we exchanged across the tens and the hundreds columns.

We worked on many examples of all of these sums to consolidate our understanding.

We continued to work on our quick recall of number bonds to twenty to help us solve these sums more rapidly.


English: We are continuing to enjoy our class reading book ‘Ottoline and the Yellow Cat’ by Chris Riddell. We wrote a newspaper front page based on the story so far, writing our own headline and article. We wrote two acrostic poems, one based on bonfire night and the other on Diwali. In our grammar work we looked at the past tense, identifying and recording sentences using the same verb in the past and present tense. We have continued our daily phonics and spelling work.


Examples of our other learning: In gymnastics we practised different types of jumps, on and off apparatus. We ensured that we landed correctly. We also incorporated balances into our sequences. In music we continued our work on notation, rhythm and pulse and we played tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments. We looked at a range of UK soil types in science using magnifiers and we studied soil from our school grounds, labelling the components. In history we started learning about the Bronze Age and how bronze was made.





English:  Please write your own acrostic poem. You can choose the theme. Perhaps you would like to write a poem about yourself, about Autumn or your favourite sports team. I have provided lined paper for you to so this and a sheet to remind you how to write acrostic poems. Remember to add information about the theme, so if you are doing an acrostic poem using your name you could include your hobbies/ interests and your favourite colour etc.


Reading: Please continue with your daily reading and please write a comment in your reading record book to show you have read. Please can continue to bring you reading book and reading record book to school every day. Thank you.



Please complete the subtraction word problems sheet. You can do the one star or two star sheet. The one star sheet is subtraction without exchanging. The two star sheet is more challenging and involves subtraction with exchanging.


Please continue to work on your TT Rockstars accounts and Hit the button the keep learning your times tables. Remember when you are really good at 2s, 5s and 10s to start your 3s, then 4s and 8s.

The link for hit the button is:


Please also work on the Number Bonds section of Hit the Button and work on: Addition within 20 and Subtraction within 20 to get really quick with these calculations.


History: Please read about Stonehenge on this website:


Then please complete the word search on Stonehenge.

 You can find this letter on the website to click on the link.












This week the phoneme is ‘u’  Please learn these words for a dictation on Monday 20th




















If you have been given spelling sheets please learn these words instead.



Best Wishes from Miss Dargie, Ms Greensmith and Ms Turner.

Year 3   Homework         6.11.23


The children have settled back into school well after half term and worked hard last week. Well done Year Three!


Our learning last week:

Maths:  We worked on column addition and subtraction without exchanging. We focused on setting out our sums clearly in to hundreds, tens and ones columns. We always started our calculations from the ones column, then the tens and finally the hundreds columns. We started addition with exchanging across a ten, so when the ones columns add up to 10 or more we exchange, for example:

                                               H T O

                                                    3 0 8

                                                 + 1 5 4


                                                    4 6 2




We worked on many examples of these to consolidate our understanding. As part of our learning we also worked on our number bonds to twenty as these are crucial for us accurately solving our sums.


English: We did an extended reading comprehension on a fiction text. We answered a wide variety of question types including using our inference skills. We also wrote a piece of factual writing. In our grammar work we studied apostrophes of possession, for example Joe’s bike, the dog’s basket etc. We have started our new class reader, which is ‘Ottoline and the Yellow Cat’ by Chris Riddell.


Examples of our other learning: In French we revised colours and numbers to ten. In PSHE we listened to different statements and said whether we agreed, disagreed or neither agreed or disagreed with the statements. We gave reasons for our opinions and listened to each other’s opinions. In P.E we started our OAA unit where we are problem solving and working in teams. We enjoyed identifying notation, rhythm and pulse in music. The children also enjoyed our inter house sports competition last Tuesday.





English: Please complete the reading comprehension about Bonfire Night.


Reading: Please continue with your daily reading and please write a comment in your reading record book to show you have read. Please can continue to bring you reading book and reading record book to school every day. Thank you.


Maths: Please complete the column addition and subtraction sheets with no exchanging (carrying). If you would like an extension please complete the addition sheet with exchanging (carrying).


Please continue to work on your TT Rockstars accounts and Hit the button the keep learning your times tables. Remember when you are really good at 2s, 5s and 10s to start your 3s, then 4s and 8s.

The link for hit the button is:


Please also work on the Number Bonds section of Hit the Button and work on: Addition within 20 and Subtraction within 20 to get really quick with these calculations.



Art: Please create a fireworks picture. You can do this in any media, for example, paints, chalk, felt pens, crayons, pencils etc. You have some black paper for you to do this. You can either use the size paper I have given you or you may wish to halve the size of the paper, it is your choice.



This week the phoneme is ‘oe’  Please learn these words for a dictation on Monday 13th


















If you have been given spelling sheets please learn these words instead.



Best Wishes from Miss Dargie, Ms Greensmith and Ms Turner.


Year 3   Homework         31.10.23


We hope you had a relaxing half term. We are looking forward to an exciting and busy term ahead.

We welcome Ms Greensmith as our teaching assistant in Year 3 with Ms Turner. We would like to thank Ms Alfredson for all her hard work last term.

P.E will be on Monday and Wednesdays this term.


Our learning the week before half term:

Maths: We continued our Addition and Subtraction maths topic.

We added 10s across a 100 boundary, for example 560 + 90. In this work we used number lines to jump to the next multiple of 100, for example 560 + 90:  560 + 40 = 600, 600 + 50= 650. We also subtracted 1s across a 10 and went back to the previous multiple of 10, for example 135- 8: 135-5 =130, 130-3=127. Finally, we subtracted 10s across a 100, by going back to the previous multiple of 100, for example 230-60: 230-30=200. 200-30 =170. We also used place value counters and number tracks to support our learning. We did many practical activities to help understand these concepts.


English: We wrote a detailed book review on our Term One class reading book, The Pebble in my Pocket: A History of our Earth by Meredith Hooper and Chris Coady. We did a reading comprehension on a non-fiction text. In our grammar work we revised sentence structure.


Examples of our other learning: In Science we studied structure and the names of the different layers of soil. Our R.E work focused on the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah. In our history work we answered the question ‘What is an archaeologist?’ and we studied the Stone Age settlement of Skara Brae.




English: We have been learning about apostrophes as contractions. Please complete the attached sheet.


Reading: Please continue with your daily reading and please write a comment in your reading record book to show you have read. Please can continue to bring you reading book and reading record book to school every day. Thank you.



I have given everyone a knowledge organiser for place value. This is a laminated sheet for you to keep as a reference at home to help you consolidate your understanding of our place value work.


I have set you three tasks to complete on Diagnostic Questions.


Please continue to work on your TT Rockstars accounts and Hit the button the keep learning your times tables. Remember when you are really good at 2s, 5s and 10s to start your 3s, then 4s and 8s.

The link for hit the button is:




Art: Please look outside and create a picture of a tree showing the beautiful Autumn colours. You can do this is any format you wish: pencils, paints, collage, crayons. You have an A4 sheet to do this.



This week the phoneme is ‘ie.’  Please learn these words for a dictation on Monday 6th November.















If you have been given spelling sheets please learn these words instead.



Best Wishes from Miss Dargie, Ms Greensmith and Ms Turner.


Year 3   Homework         18.09.23


Thank you for attending the Parent’s Information meeting last week, if you were able to. It was lovely to meet you all. All the information given in the meeting is now on the Class 3 page on the website.

Well done to all the children for working hard last week and getting used to all the new routines in Year Three. Thank you for the super homework from last week. The children shared their ‘proud moments’ with each other. Every one gave their homework in today too, what a fantastic start Year 3!


Maths: We have continued our ‘Place Value topic.’ Last week we represented and partitioned numbers in a variety of ways to one thousand. We worked on examples such as 654 = 600 + 50 + 4 and 558 = 500 + 50 + 8. Today we did flexible partitioning of numbers and worked on examples such as 654 = 500 + 150 + 4; 654 = 600 + 40 + 14 etc. We used place value counters to consolidate our understanding and to visualise our learning.

Last week we also used a ruler to draw and measure centimetres to create a timeline in our history work.


English: We wrote about ourselves, using our plans from the previous week. We reinforced our learning about capital letters for sentence structure and for proper nouns. We also created interesting sentences using noun phrases. We studied the phoneme ‘a’ in our spelling. We completed a non-fiction reading comprehension about the ‘Stone Age.’ We talked about how the sub-headings help us to find the answers. As an ongoing activity we are revising the ‘Common Exception’ words from KS1.


Examples of our other learning this week: In Science we enjoyed looking at and describing a variety of rocks. We recorded our information and if the rocks were igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic. In P.E we started our work on Invasion Games. We worked individually, in pairs and in teams. In history we drew timelines in our books to represent the three eras of the Stone Age. We studied greetings in French.



Please return this week’s homework by next Monday, 25th September, in your homework folder.


Reading: Please continue with your daily reading and please write a comment in your reading record book to show you have read. Please remember to bring your reading book and yellow reading record to school every day.


Maths:  Please complete the place value digits sheet. If you would like an extension activity, there is a flexible partitioning sheet to complete. This is optional as an extension.

Please continue to work on your times tables using ‘Hit the button.’ The link for this is:

Please do your 2s, 5s and 10s.  If you are really fast at this please start your three times tables. You may also try the number bonds section and work on the ‘up to 100’ section.

We have given you your log ins for TT Rock stars. Please start this when you are confident with the times tables on Hit the Button.


English:  Please complete a book review of your favourite book. You can use the template provided for this. We will display your completed book reviews in our classroom.


Science: Please find the most interesting rock/ stone you can find, draw it and describe it, as instructed on the work sheet.



We will have a dictation for our spellings on Monday 25th September.


Phoneme: ‘ay’
















Please complete all homework in HB and coloured pencils.


Thank you for all your support.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and Ms Alfredson


Year 3   Homework         11.09.23


Well done to all the children for settling in so well to Year Three and Key Stage Two last week. We spent time getting to know each other through a range of activities to help us all feel that we are an important part of our Year Three class.


Our Learning:

Maths: We started our ‘Place Value topic.’ We represented and partitioned numbers to 100.

We used number lines up to 100 with different intervals and placed specific numbers on these. We used 100 squares and number lines to count in twos, fives, tens and twenties.


English: We wrote a recount of our holiday and planned writing about ourselves. We have looked at correct sentence structure including where we use capital letters in our writing. We are continuing with regular cursive handwriting work.


Examples of our other learning this week: In Science we looked at natural and man-made rocks. We talked about the formation of natural rocks. In Art we studied and compared the use of charcoal by the artists Laura McKendry and Edgar Degas. We then used some of their techniques in our own charcoal pictures. We have begun learning French. This week we studied the location of France, the French flag and where French is spoken around the world. In history we drew a time line on the playground by pacing out and marking 100 year intervals. We placed our KS1 historical knowledge on the timeline. We tried to count back to the beginning of the Stone Age (our new topic), but had to stop at the end of the field when we reached 21,700 BC!



Homework is set every Monday. Please return this week’s homework by next Monday, 18th September in your homework folder.


Every week you will be set Maths and English, spellings and a subject based homework.


You can decorate your homework folder if you wish too, draw on it, or put stickers on it.


Reading: Please continue with your daily reading and please write a comment in your reading record book to show you have read. Please bring your reading book and yellow reading book to school every day, even if you haven’t finished your book. This will help us to track your progress.


Maths: Please play ‘Hit the Button’ to revise your two, fives and ten times tables. If you google ‘Hit the Button’ you will find the game. I have also put a link to the game on our class pageAs we have been working on counting on number lines, these skills will really help you when calculating intervals on a number line. Once you are on the web page if you click on Times Tables you can select each times table. Please do ‘hit the answer’ first.

 Link to Hit the Button:


If you find these times tables easy please start learning your three, four and eight times tables. These are the times tables that we focus on in Year Three.



English:  Using the ‘My Proud Moments’ sheet please write six things that you are really proud of achieving, such as riding a bike or swimming a width. It can be anything that has made you feel proud and happy, in or out of school. Maybe there is something that you have taken a while to learn but have finally achieved it. You could also draw people who are proud of you. Please write six short sentences and illustrate them. Remember capital letters and full stops!


Science: Practical activity: When you are out with your family please can you look for natural rocks and man-made rocks (brick, concrete etc). Think about the places that you see each kind of rock and talk to an adult about why you would find them in that place.


Spellings: We are continuing to work on the ‘Sounds Write’ programme. Every week we will work on a new phoneme and the associated spellings in class. The following Monday, we will have a dictation in class incorporating these spellings, so you are using them in the correct context.

Our spellings this week are:


















Please name, date and complete all homework in HB and coloured pencils.


We look forward to seeing parents at Tuesday’s Curriculum meetings. If you are unable to attend, the information will be put on our class page after the meeting and we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

 Thank you for all your support. We look forward to working with you this year.


Best Wishes from Miss Dargie and Ms Alfredson.
